Symbiotic Relationships

Did you know fire ants raise aphids for food? Not the aphids themselves, but the ‘nectar’ they produce. I wrote about it here in 2014 – Fire Ants & Aphids.

Frank and I had an interesting conversation over breakfast one morning. We started off discussing something that could be symbiotic, I don’t remember the topic, which reminded me of ants and aphids. Then it lead to other ponderings. I thought I would share them with you.

If the company store initially begins providing supplies to the employees to increase their production and ability to live close to work, that relationship is beneficial to both parties. If the company then realizes it has created a dependence upon those supplies that allows them to control the employees to a greater extent, it can raise the prices thus increasing the profit they make from having the employees return more of the money it paid to them, and adding it back into the coffers of the company. A monopoly is born turning a positive symbiotic relationship into a negative one in the eyes of the employee, who now has less choice and less of an impact upon the relationship.

Now apply that to the current political situation our country finds itself experiencing. The relationship of government to the people [supposedly] began where the government servants were for the benefit of the people. Now that relationship has flipped. You had better do what you’re told or else. Or else what? We will raise the price of your medication, control the medical attention you can receive, force you to pay for our medical insurance, regulate your business [or shut it down all together, because, you know, COVID], take your guns, brainwash your children and tell you that you better be damn happy while we’re doing it. No, wait, they’re already doing that. Are you enjoying the symbiotic relationship you have with your government? Federal or local? Is it a give and take situation that benefits both parties or have you become a slave to ‘the man’?

Add to that mixture the current state of big tech and the media. Picture the type of relationship that the communist, fascist, Marxist, socialist [pick one] tyrannical government we currently have, has developed with the media and big tech, not to mention the military industrial complex that wants endless wars to line their pockets, private prisons for profit, and the medical/pharmaceutical industries. Yes, industries. An industry is a distinct group of productive or profit-making enterprises according to Merriam-Webster. Add the banking/financial industry to the mix and you can easily picture the monopoly the current government has upon all aspects of our lives. The banking industry controls the loans and money supply for the energy, agricultural and small business sectors. The government doesn’t want you to be a successful Mom & Pop store? Shut them down from a financial stand point. Or better yet, use a plandemic. Let the mega corporations that are intertwined into the mega-loppa-symbiotic-industrial complex control all facets of business, energy, food, health, education, media and income. That’s what you call TYRANNY.

Ladies and Gentlemen [the only two genders on the planet in the realm of reality], this is where we are. The symbiotic relationship of our country, our government and all of it’s interwoven companions in crime, have entered the stage of over extension in so many areas that an implosion of all systems is inevitable. This is not something new in the last few months, it has been developing for years, even decades. Remember the statement, “You’re either with us or you’re against us.”?

Think of an area that has a season of abundance that allows the rabbit population to increase dramatically. What happens? The predators, coyotes for example, also increase in abundance until one day, the situations changes. There is no longer enough for the rabbits to eat, they become sick and die. The coyotes don’t have enough to eat. What happens? The system collapses back into a more manageable condition.

It appears that some factions of our country have reached the tipping point where they will no longer sit quietly by. You know we have done that for decades now. Appeasement. Does it work? Never has. So this where we are. We have brought ourselves to the point of listening to the government tell us to sit down and shut up. Are we going to? A lot of us are. It’s scary not to. We don’t want to lose everything we have – home, job, retirement, family, societal recognition. But the situation with the election and impeachments, the current avalanche of executive orders appear to have created a backlash of sorts. Will the country remain united? That has yet to be seen. There are a lot of theories being postulated out here in internet world. Some seem more plausible than others.

This is where we are. If you aren’t in a situation, location, state of mind where you can provide for your NEEDS, not wants, when the system implodes or declines to the point of not supplying the basics for everyday life, then please work diligently with all of your might to get that way. Sometimes the decline of a system is rapid, sometimes it’s slow and you can see it coming more clearly and make the needed adjustments. Everyone we talk to, everyone, normal everyday people that up to now didn’t have a care in the world, shopped everyday for dinner and went about their lives, KNOWS something is very not right. It’s in the air, in our bones, invading our thoughts and feelings. The world is not right. Something is coming.

Be as ready as you can. It’s important. It’s beyond important. It’s beyond words important.

Until next time – Fern

Change is Here

 Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Fern and I ran across an article by Robert Gore, it involves two parts, ironically, Part 1 and Part 2. Robert included in Part 2 a link to an article from OHMama, I think. The link to this is also included.

Mr. Gore’s part 1 & 2 are a little lengthy. He does a very good job of explaining what’s going on right now. If you can, please read these. If not, skim both of them.

On a different topic. Congratulations to the folks that got their ham radio licenses last week. Hopefully in the near future, we will talk more radio, but in the meantime, please keep your heads down, pay attention, rely on facts and not hearsay, don’t do anything you will regret in the future.

It is Monday, high noon, here in Oklahoma which means we have 47 hours until the possible change with our administrations. Pay attention closely. Things are not always as they seem to be.

Please read the links. Know where everything valuable to you is located.

LINK: The Gray Curtain Descends Part 1 

LINK: The Gray Curtain Descends Part 2


Take care all. We’ll talk more later,  Frank

It Ain’t Over Yet

 Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Well, well, well. As stated in the title in this very short piece, It Ain’t Over Yet.

No official group has declared former Vice President Joe Biden as the next President of the United States of America. The media for the most part, has declared Joe Biden as the winner, but that’s not the case. World leaders have sent their congratulations to Mr. Biden. Some would say they are putting the cart before the horse. Of course, Senator Mitt Romney was one of the first to congratulate Mr. Biden.


I take it you are reading the news. You’ve seen the stories about computer glitches, fake mail in ballots, official observers being barred from polling places, not to mention dead people voting. That should tell you something. You don’t have to control the whole country. Here in Oklahoma, a small state, it doesn’t have to be controlled. The results of the election were well known ahead of time. States like California and New York, the results were known there also. There are about ten states where it was close. If you take a couple of big cities in those states and control a couple of precincts or districts, then you can control that city’s outcome, and that city will help contribute to the control of that state. 

Some look at this as a nationwide problem. It’s actually much smaller than we think. Take for example, the header and picture in this article. 


There is a link above going to the Wikipedia article, please read it. Did Dewey defeat Truman? No. Truman won by a landslide. Read the Wikipedia piece, it’s not long.


I don’t know who is going to win the election, but I do know that it ain’t over yet. What I do know is that our government is corrupt to the core. Does that mean every man and woman is corrupt? No. But it does mean that the system is corrupt to the core.

We as a country, WE the PEOPLE of this country, WE are in serious trouble.



We’ll talk more later,  Frank

Real Men Do Cry

Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Do real men cry? Let’s address that issue.

Now, this is being addressed from a male’s perspective, so if you’re going to take issue with it because you’re coming from a female perspective, or a snowflake perspective, please continue reading, you might find something of moderate value.

Do men cry? Absolutely. Let’s say you have a good friend die, old, young, it doesn’t make any difference. Is it okay to cry? Sure it is. If it’s your little girl’s wedding day and you’re passing her hand from a loving, caring daddy to that brutal, barbarian about to receive it, of course it’s okay to cry, because you know your daughter is going to a safe home. If you’re giving her hand to a limp wrist snowflake, it’s still okay to cry, and you know why. When you drop off your child at school for the first day, it’s okay. When you listen to our National Anthem and your eyes get misty. There are lots of times it’s okay to cry.

So let’s go ahead and get this issue out of the way. Do real men cry? Absolutely. Real men are not ashamed or afraid to cry. Some people would say, hogwash, that real men don’t cry. The guys that say stupid crap like that watched too many John Wayne movies when they were little, or whatever the current equivalent is now. Don’t get me wrong, I love John Wayne movies, but John Wayne was an actor. He played roles that we as men associate with.

Something a little personal here. For years, when I was younger, I would cry on Veteran’s Day. Sometimes I would cry for a long time. Now I am 70 years old and bunch of men my age died in Vietnam. I used to cry that day. November 11th. It’s still a special day to me, but I haven’t cried in years. 

I wonder if I will cry in the future when I realize that my country is gone. Do you think there will be a holiday celebrating the defeat of America? Maybe there will. Maybe there won’t.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are losing our country. I didn’t cry on Veteran’s Day when I was a child. I didn’t cry on November 11th until after my first time serving my country, and I did not serve in Vietnam. I have never cried before a funeral or before a wedding. So, am I going to cry after we lose our country? Who knows.

Here at this site, Thoughts From Frank and Fern, we’ve talked about gardens, dogs, cats, radios – ham radios that is, and we’ve talked a lot about the collapse of our society. We’ve talked about dark clouds on the horizon, the wolf at the door, brace for impact. And yes, we, you and I, have talked about these things. We also talked a great deal about preparedness, things we’re going to need. So, we’ve talked about lots of things here.

If you are not prepared for the wolf at the door, you are not going to be prepared. Most supplies needed for preparedness are out of stock and have been for months. It is too late. Do I need to stay that again? No, just back up and reread the last couple of sentences. If you’re one of those type that’s going to go buy a gun and go steal from Grandma, good luck on finding a gun or ammunition, because Grandma has hers.

But as you probably know, you’re not going to be buying any bulk food either. You’re not going to be buying land either. The cost of land has skyrocketed. If you’re going to go live with your prepared cousin, you had better make sure you are welcome. What are you going to bring to the table?

I know there are people that can’t leave where they are. I know there are people that don’t have the means to buy extra food, they live paycheck to paycheck. I read an article a couple of weeks back about a guy that was going to install a solar system right before this thing goes down. Is this the same guy that’s going to buy wheat and bandaids and bullets?

Moving on. We have a virus shutting down our country. Is it real? Yes, the virus is real. So is the flu, the common cold, heart disease, diabetes, all of these things are real, but we have not shut our country down for all of them except one. Everyday a major agency somewhere issues a different story about effects, numbers and how to deal with this virus. Are we getting the truth? No. There is no truth. How can it change everyday? We can kid ourselves to believe that there is new and improved research, and there probably is in some cases.

Do you believe the lies? Have we ever been lied to before in history? Do we need to go down the list? Oh, let’s see. The Kennedy assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the list goes on and on and on. We are being lied to every day, every single day. 

Moving on again. Our government has tried to overthrow our current president for four years now. They, “the government”, has projected lie after lie with no proof, just accusation. I can’t see where that is going to change, but I can see where it will accelerate dramatically. Look at the rioting. Look at some of the decisions the mayors and governors are making. Who is controlling these people? Many of these elected officials have obviously sold their souls. They are going to do anything and everything they can to stop, infiltrate, change, cancel, distort, pick any word you want. They are going to try to affect the results of the upcoming presidential election. Write that one down boys and girls. 

We talked months ago about the long, hot summer coming. We now have an active virus shutting us down. If you want to, call it a bioweapon. We have rioting in several cities. Read for yourself, find out what is happening, it’s happened before. They’ve disrupted churches, the educational system, the workplace, medical facilities, transportation, entertainment, the supply chain of everything including food. Ponder these things.

Do real men cry? Our country is dying. They are winning. The election will be disrupted. I’m not crying yet, but I can certainly see where we are going, and for that I will cry. 

There are so many examples of evil happening our world right now. It’s not just in our country. What is happening here is an orchestrated event, it’s controlled. These people are very well organized. They have been practicing on citizens of the planet for decades. We are about to lose our freedom. We’ve been losing it for years and we’ve done nothing, therefore, history tells us that we’re going to do nothing. I can go on and on, and so can you.

It’s been a while since we’ve talked. There really isn’t anything to say. Some people say, I don’t want to know all these bad things, so I don’t watch the news. Fair enough. But that doesn’t mean the events aren’t happening just because someone chooses not to watch them. We both know that the vast majority of news is a lie.

Yes, real men cry. And so do real women. I don’t think this is salvageable. I don’t know what it’s going to look like in the future. I do know that these issues cannot be resolved. There is too large of a divide between massive groups in our country. If you can get prepared, do so. If it means opening your mind and seeing what’s happening, be aware. 

So you don’t think we can lose our country? Ask King George. A very small group of people, some say 1%, some say 3%, took, from an advanced military, the colonies at that time. So, can a small group of people take something from a large group of people? Absolutely. Do the majority of people support the rioting and the fighting going on in congress? Does it make any difference? We have lost. The other side is practicing everyday, refining their skills. They have the laws on their side. You can’t criticize, it’s against the law. Don’t think it’s not going to happen, because it’s happening right now, everyday in front of our eyes. I’m sorry. Maybe now I’ll go cry.

In about 60 days things are going to change, and if you think things are bad now, just wait, it’s going to be a very hot summer. I think you understand what I mean.

Please comment. Fern and I are doing fine. We’ve tried to make some final preparations. Don’t get on the bus. Prepare your mind to do the unthinkable. Give your spouse a kiss, tell everyone you love them, and enjoy the times we have left.

When you kneel down tonight to pray to God, ask Him to bless our country.

We’ll talk more later, Frank


Merry Christmas!

Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Fern and I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas. 
May the Lord be with you and yours.

If you are out shopping, please be vigilant, pay attention, and avoid crowds if you can. This might be a good year to get people things that they actually need and can use. Kitchen tools are always handy. They may be hard to find right now, but garden tools, shovels, rakes, hand spades. Back in grandma’s day, these were standard gifts. If you’ve got a little extra jingle in your pocket, the means to protect oneself is always an excellent gift.

Yes, I know this is Christmas eve and most people have already bought for their loved ones, but in a couple of days you can take all the things you don’t want back to the store and get things you need. Sporting goods stores are good places to shop. I like hardware stores, too. While you’re there, get a couple of dust masks and put them on. That guy two aisles over that has the cough that’s coming from his belly button may just be sharing the latest version of our government released plague. 

But this is not the day for that, the plague, that is. I was in a store yesterday, grocery store, went to get some apples while Fern was visiting her mother in the nursing home. There were a lot of sick people in there. I don’t mean the transgender type, these people were really sick – coughing, hacking.

I hear the gun shops are having brisk sales this time of year. Did you know they make brand name rifles and pistols with pink grips? I guess if your neighbor has a whole closet full of those pink hats, you don’t want to clash with your neighbors, now do you? No, you can’t shoot that pink flamingo in their front yard, or for that matter, you can’t shoot that fake deer in their yard either. Because if you live in a state that has red flag laws, somebody will turn you in for having a bumper sticker on your car that says ‘vote for Trump’. Probably your neighbor with the pink hat, though they won’t tell you who it is, but they will take your pink gun.

I keep reading about Virginia, no that’s not a TV character, that’s a state on the east coast. You know, one of those states that the left is trying to take from the right. That government out there just appears to be just a bunch of fools. But then the government just north of there, well not really north, but you know what I mean. The people in our Congress are not supporting what I believe in. I don’t know about our national government anymore. Is it a game they’re playing? No one seems to be serious. It reminds me of a bunch of kids on a playground. I’m serious. 

Is this the big show we’re seeing out there or is this the diversion trying to cover up what’s really happening? 

We’re being told that the economy is going great guns. Do you see it? I sure don’t. There are trucking companies shutting down, steel mills laying people off. Yes, I know the fast food places are hiring, but people need real jobs. This repo thing has nothing to do with cars and houses, you know. If our economy is so good, why is the federal reserve pumping billions of dollars on a regular basis into big banks and industry?

And where’s the wall?

When we thought the Japanese were going to attack mainland Alaska, our government in conjunction with the Canadian government, built a highway. Yes is was crude by today’s standards, actually most of it is still crude by today’s standards. There were numerous bridges across big rivers that most folks have never heard of, never will hear of and will never see. But they did it, they built that road in some of the most inhospitable land on the planet, most of it during the winter. It took right around six months.

Where is that wall? Give me break. Somebody is lying to us. We all know that the “free” press doesn’t lie. You know our government doesn’t lie. The economy is teetering on collapse. Look up there a paragraph or two and find all the information you can on the Federal Reserve and repo. Do the math. Our fiasco in Washington? Who knows what is going on.

This thing in Virginia, it’s the next big show in town. Pay very close attention. While you’re paying attention, watch this Brexit thing also. And pay attention to the immigration problems in Europe, too. The European Union is in dismal financial shape and their immigration problem is past the point of no return. Are you ready for another Irish invasion? I don’t see another Crusade coming. Looks to me like they’re going to just build one large dome across most of Europe.

Going around to the other side of the world. How are things looking in China? I’m going to take a break here for just a second and let’s do a quick tour of rioting in countries all around the world. It’s going to be easier just to say we’re not rioting here in the United States and Canada. Yet, that is, it’s going to be a hot summer. You are aware our southern border is lined with a well organized, highly lethal and well trained military. Except it’s not a government military, it’s called drug cartels. Yes, there is rioting going on in countries all around the planet, including China. China is rapidly developing a sophisticated military. Why?

Ever read history about how China was able to enter the world financial markets? Most of us don’t. If we read history at all, we refer to it as Western history, you know, England, France, Italy, those types of places. Read about Mao. When it comes to mass executions he made Hitler look like an amateur. We know about Hitler, or we think we do. But look at this old boy Mao Zedong. While you’re at it check out Chiang Kai-shek. I know people will say there was a famine or something like that, you read it and do the research. I wonder if there is any possibility that our government would do this to the American people? 

Well, it’s Christmas eve and here in our part of the country the weather is beautiful. Today will be sunny, light winds with 65* to 70*F. For you folks living in the frozen north? Better you than me, I’ve been there and done that. The only way I’ll do that again is if they put me in a boxcar and ship me up there. We’ve done that in this country, too. Read about what good old Andrew Jackson did to the Indian population, then tell yourself you’re sure glad you live in America where we don’t do that kind of thing like the Chinese, the Germans, the Russians and the Italians. The list goes on and on. Ask some of the Indian folks what they think about relocation and Andrew Jackson. Remember, Andrew Jackson is President Trump’s favorite past president. Don’t think it can’t happen here? It has happened here before. Ask the Japanese people in California.

Here at Frank and Fern, we have a saying. Don’t get on the truck and sometimes it says don’t get on the bus. Just a modern day version of a boxcar or a trail of tears. 

A little side note here. All the groups mentioned above had their weapons taken away. There are lots of places where this same thing that’s going on in Virginia has happened before. We’ve got red flag laws creeping across the nation, Gestapo type tactics. The economy is teetering on collapse. This is not a game. This is not cutesy. Get your ass off the couch, turn off the TV and prepare for war. Don’t get on the bus. 

Don’t forget to tell your loved ones Merry Christmas. Shake their hands, pat them on the head, give them a hug and TEACH them. It is going to be a hot summer.

Let’s finish up here, boys and girls.

Pray for peace. 

Prepare for war.

We’ll talk more later,  Frank

Open Thread – December 14, 2019

Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Good morning, it’s Saturday morning December 14, 2019. The reason for the date, just wanted to let everybody know where we are. Things are changing quickly. 

This is going to be an open thread article where all comments are welcome. As usual, the comments will be moderated. We need to keep the comments lively, respectful, adult topics are fine and encouraged. No profanity, because somebody’s grandma is reading this.

I’m going to start this with some of my comments. These are in no particular order, so I’ll just start here.

I cannot believe this impeachment process. When I say I cannot believe, I cannot believe that our senior, elected politicians will stoop to the low level that I am seeing and reading on the news. I don’t have the words for it. But I will say that I believe that we have lost one branch of our government to lying, cheating, corruption. Again, it’s unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Next topic. You had better be paying attention to what is going on in Virginia. The new government coming in has created a hornets nest and the people are responding. Is this a testing ground for the rest of the country? That’s for you to decide. We have sheriffs all over this country that are saying NO! WE WILL NOT COMPLY! This is serious.

Moving on. The Horowitz report brought to light a significant number of violations conducted by our federal law enforcement against American citizens. This report has it’s limits and scope. Following reports should bring indictments. This is one more time I will use the word unbelievable, the unbelievable, uncontrolled corruption in our highest law enforcement agencies.

Moving on. The overwhelming defeat of the liberals in the United Kingdom should send shock waves through the liberal, socialist, communists groups world wide. We’ll have to wait and see how they word BREXIT.

There are many more topics that just really get under my skin. Look at this pathetic group of Democratic candidates. In my humble opinion only one is even worth considering and that’s the lady from Hawaii, and I don’t think she is presidential material. All the rest are unbelievably pathetic losers. There is talk of bringing Hillary back? God help us all. Unbelievable.

You’ll notice a slightly different thread today. Our 1st & 2nd Amendments are under blatant attack. If you need to stock up, now is the time, whether it be food, bandages or bullets. Again, in my humble opinion, this thing is going to heat up sharply this summer. THEY, whoever they is, the flavor of the week maybe, they are not going to allow President Trump to be reelected. THEY are desperate. As Ol’ Remus says, avoid crowds. Avoid crowds at all costs. 

I encourage you to share your thoughts. This is a small blog with a medium sized readership. So please, if you have ideas to improve things, let us all know. If you’re just pissed off, then vent. The 2nd Amendment is there for a reason. You might want to pay attention. Have a plan, proceed accordingly and diligently. Be vigilant. Pull your head out of your ass, this thing is getting serious. Look at Congress. Look at Virginia. THEY are not going to allow the President of the United States to obtain a second term. We as a nation are surrounded by socialists and communists, and I don’t see anybody who can do a better job right now than President Trump. Is he perfect? No. But we need strong leaders, we’ve got enough people running around in this world wearing pink hats, we just don’t need anymore. 

I am an American. I am a citizen. And I am pissed.

We’ll talk more later,  Frank

You Can’t Go Back

Things are changing in the world. Quickly, with a complexity that cannot be fathomed. There are too many variables, too many players, too many possible outcomes to be considered, combined and deciphered. We have many daily conversations about a myriad of topics all of which leave us wondering what in the world will happen next.

Here are some topics we have been thinking about. We would really like to know what you think. There is much afoot in the world and it’s difficult to see through the haze, and listen through the cacophony of blaring noise that surrounds the world of information everyday.

The Queen’s speech indicates the UK will have Brexit and leave the European Union on October 31st. Now Boris Johnson has made a deal with the EU. It still has to go through a vote of the Parliament. I don’t know how the governmental system of the UK works, I have not studied it. But we see similar disagreements and attacks on Boris Johnson that we see here with President Trump. The UK voted years ago to split from the EU and become their own country again. From what I can gather they were tired of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels deciding things for them. They want their country back. There are other countries across the globe that seem to be on the same path.

Turkey, Syria, the Kurds and the USA. Very interesting situation. Almost the entire Congress disagreed with President Trump. What happened? A cease fire. The events of the 120 hours or five day “pause” may usher in a new era of peace in a region that has known war for decades. The resultant relationship between the USA and Russia may be an added benefit from the events taking place in the region. I read recently that President Putin said the relationships between our countries could be much better if it weren’t for the political upheaval in our country. He understands why President Trump can’t meet and work with him at this time.

Then there is this underlying hum of information from groups across the globe. Groups supporting their own countries instead of globalism. Imagine that. I applaud any country/culture/peoples that have a national, patriotic pride for their own country. We are not all the same. We are not. And we shouldn’t be. There is nothing wrong with being different. Unless, of course, you don’t like anyone that’s not like you. Please read this tweet.

I think President Trump put it quite well. They are coming after us. Just like the EU is going after the UK. I have no problem with a country running their own affairs the way they see fit. I am forever grateful for being born in the United States of America. I don’t want to wear a burka or be banned from driving a car. But you know what? If other countries have different laws and customs than we do, that’s okay. We don’t have any more right to impose our customs and beliefs on another country than they have the right to impose upon ours. We have enough trouble within our own borders, we don’t need more coming in to muddy the waters even further. We don’t have to abide by Sharia law, we have to abide by US and local laws. If you want to come here, learn to speak English and abide by our laws. Otherwise, go back where you came from.

There are many issues that aren’t being addressed here. The border wall. ILLEGAL aliens, they aren’t immigrants. The constant attempts to impeach President Trump. Endless wars all over the world. The unbelievable fake news stories coming from the mainstream media. Attacks on religion. Always attacks on the 2nd Amendment. These are just a few.

The header for our last article said, “I miss the America I grew up in.” And we do. The civility of yesteryear is not to be seen except in the rearview mirror of time. But you know what? We can’t go back. Why would we want to? That would be like the movie Ground Hog Day, reliving these same mistakes over and over and over. Why would we want to return to a system that could lead us right back to the same problems we face today? We may return here even faster the next time since we already know the way. Besides, why would we keep trying the same thing again expecting different results? Some say that is the definition of insanity.

What we need is a new system. There are a number of groups that support a variety of changes to the current system. John Mark and Curt Doolittle support a system they have devised called Propertarianism. There are a number of people that see a financial reset to a sound money system that does away with fiat currency and the debt cycle we have created with the world wide central bank systems. There are others that see no way out of the cycle of hatred and division in our country outside of an all out civil war. Regardless of how this all plays out, it is abundantly clear that things will continue to change. There is no way our country, and therefore the world since we are all so intimately interconnected in this day and time, can continue on the current course without massive, destabilizing change occurring. The question is where do we go from here? What will it look like?

Add one more dimension to the mix. The food supply. The climate of our planet has gone through many changes over many centuries of time. Sometimes warmer, sometimes colder, but always changing. Until the last hundred years or so, there wasn’t enough man made activity to impact any of these climactic changes and they happened anyway. The problem is not man, the problem is man’s ability and willingness to observe the changes and take steps accordingly. Running around crying the sky is falling, the world will end in 12 years, we have to become cannibals and start eating babies (which was an actress sent to disrupt a presentation), does not address the issue of the food supply.

There are those that insist we have too many people on the planet to feed. There are those that think the growth in population is due to the overproduction, through chemical means, of franken-foods. Either way, the current solar output from the sun is affecting the weather which in turn affects the food supply. Over the last few years, weather has impacted food production across the globe, some areas are flooded, some are too cold, some are too hot and some have droughts. Is this normal? Maybe a little more extreme than at other times? I tend to believe the solar minimum we are experiencing is bringing on one of the times of climactic change that may have a drastic impact upon mankind. Others see it as a challenging time that will pass just like it always has in the past.

When you add these things all together, what do you see? Are countries pulling back, trying to increase their independence from the interconnectedness of the world because the food supply is going to be impacted in such a way that there will be shortages? Will there be starvation? Just from the impact of weather, diseases like the swine fever that is decimating the hog population in China? Crop failures like corn, hay and soybeans in the US this year? How does that impact the meat and milk supply when farmers can’t feed their animals? 

Are we going to stop participating in the endless wars as President Trump calls them because we need to draw inward? Bring our troops home to deal with whatever problems are going to arise here from food shortages, to hatred, and division? Peace where there has been war for generations is a good thing. I am all for it. I think there is more going on behind the curtain than the good will of some of the leaders of the nations of the world. If we could really see behind the curtain would it cause panic in the streets all across the globe?

The events unfolding all across the globe will take us to a new point in time. A different way of life. We can’t go back, it’s impossible. I’m not sure where we are going or how bumpy the ride will be before we arrive at our new ‘home’. What I do know is that things are changing. As for Frank and I, we will continue to prepare. Some things can’t be fixed. Some cancers can’t be cured. Sometimes things die. 

Your thoughts, wishes, desires and insight would be appreciated. If need be, we’ll see you on the other side. Until that time, keep your powder dry and watch your back. And never, ever get on the bus.

Until next time – Fern